Weekday Vegetarian
My resolution is about making the sacrifices that make sense and are not that hard to do. We are all lazy and its easier to not do something than to do something that requires a lot of effort.
My brother introduced me to this idea in 2009 but I was not concerned enough or ready enough to take his challenge. I am now. It is fairly simple, I love meat but if I am not buying local, sustainable meat than I really should not be eating any. The factory farms of the world are destroying it. So I have converted myself to become a week day veg, and I will look forward to the weekends when I will create some really tasty special meals for us.
I have plans to delve deeper into local farms vs factory farms. and maybe even transport costs of quinoa,avocados, beans etc vs local meat eating. there are some different factors in play when you can do the 100 mile diet with meat... but for now with the knowledge I have I have committed to being a week day vegetarian. On tonights menu is Tofu Marbella... marinating as I type.